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What is a “Men’s Family Law Attorney?”

There is no such thing as a Men’s Family Law Firm. That is a gimmick and an advertising hook. The firms that promote this phrase as far as I know provides no specialized training to their lawyers to assist them to help men going through a divorce. In fact I know lawyers working for these firms that have absolutely no financial expertise and can’t even discuss numbers with me but rather seek to negotiate settlement based upon speculation.

To properly represent a man in court, assuming the man is the breadwinner and/or closely held business owner, one needs financial expertise to analyze and present values and income projections. I have dealt with attorneys representing dependent spouses asking for alimony for unreasonable periods of time with fictitious budgets that don’t reflect either the present or future needs of the party. I want to be fair to both sides and that means projecting income and needs out into the future based upon actual numbers. Of course projections require some sort of speculation about the market and prices. However one must start with accurate numbers to begin the projection and various hypotheses can be attempted.

My background is as an accountant and business appraiser prior to attending law school. I prepared tax returns and audited company records. I know how to present convincing evidence to the court, if that becomes necessary, to convince the court what a party’s true needs are. Most of my cases settle because I present convincing evidence that is irrefutable thereby eliminating the need for court appearances. I dislike court but dislike injustice and will ensure that your settlement if fair.

Don’t hire an attorney to represent you just because they call themselves the “Men’s Family Law Firm.” Hire someone that you know will understand the numbers and can convince the other side of what is fair based upon hard evidence.

Custody today does not require special skills for men. The courts recognize that children need both parents in order to grow into emotionally mature adults and therefore they encourage and promote joint custody. Don’t be fooled that you need special representation to protect your rights as a father. They are already there.